We are Great Poets!

This is our second week of poetry writing and there are so many Star Writers for writing SUPER Fireworks  poems that Mrs M-H has not had time to write the good news in all the Star Writers’ Homework Diaries!

This week we started each line with a firework verb like zooming, exploding, sparkling etc then we wrote a simile to finish the line with as much detail as we could. Here is Lucy’s Firework Poem which we all thought was just great! Well done, Lucy!


Soaring like an eagle running from its fear,

Flying up so high,

Glittering like pixie dust falling from a tree,

Blowing in the night sky,

Exploding like a volcano on a deserted cliff,

Shooting lava into the air,

Crackling like the Autumn leaves under my feet in the woods,

Swooshing up into my hair,

Dancing like Strictly stars in golden dresses,

Longing for a winning prize,

Flashing like the flame of a camp fire,

Beaming like cats’ eyes,

Fading slowly like my breath on a cold day,

Leaving us in amazement.

By Lucy P4/5

3 thoughts on “We are Great Poets!

  1. Mrs M MacDonald

    Primary 4/5 you made my day when I came into your class yesterday. The quality of the expressive language in your poems was staggering and the affect they had on me stayed with me all day. I thought about them as I watched the fireworks light last night’s clear sky.

    Mrs MacDonald xx



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